Take a print screen on Samsung Galaxy Ace

There is a shortcut to take a print screen on the Samsung Galaxy Ace :

Press the back and the home buttons at the same time.

----- EDIT 2012-02-01 -----
The trick has changed on newer Android versions (I'm currently on Android 2.3.3) :

Press and hold the home button and then press the switch off button.
---- END EDIT -----

Files are saved on /sdcard/ScreenCapture



Coach said…
Thanks, bro!
yoannaitis said…
it doesn't work at my samsung. I also have the galaxy ace and I pressed the back and the home button at the same time. Do I have to change something at settings ?
Nicolas Jolet said…
@yoannaitis :
You don't have to change any parameters, afaik.
Try the second shortcut : hold home, then press switch off button.
Maybe the tricks do not work if you don't have an sd card installed...
Gustavo said…
It didn't work for me. I've been able to take a screen shot using:
Hope it helps!
Nicolas Jolet said…
@Gustavo : You should have an older Android version.
The trick for older version is also stated in my post, before the EDIT section.
ms.armina said…
Thank you so much Nicolas <3 :)
Anonymous said…
It works for me. Thanks so much, we tend to forget how it's done when we don't use it often

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